Use a high-quality coffee such as Brewtus Roasting coffee. Clean water, water boiler, burr grinder, a scale of choice, timer, V60 kit or a Chemex, A pouring kettle with a fine nozzle
Steps to Brew:
Step 1. Rinse the paper filter carefully with approximately 100 grams of hot water and let drip into the vessel to help preheat the carafe. Collect the water and if possible save it for watering plants, washing windows, etc.
Step 2. Weigh out 40 grams of coffee for 640 ml of water
Step 3. Grind the coffee for filter and place it in the V60/Chemex
Step 4. Put the brewer on your scale and tare the scale.
Step 5. Start the timer and immediately pour around 70- 80 ml of water over the coffee. Agitate with a spoon or wooden stirrer to make sure all the grounds are wet. Wait 30 seconds.
Step 6. Pour a couple of small circles avoiding pouring on the paper filter and then go over to the middle pouring until you reach 250 g.
Step 7. When the water has gone down about a third, start the third pour repeating the same technique – pour a couple of circles and then go back to the middle with a steady pour reaching 375ml.
Step 8. After 1 minute or so, start the next pour repeating previous pouring technique and pour up to 500ml.
Step 9. When the coffee has gone down a third, do your final pour to reach 640 ml.
Step 10. Let the water go through the coffee and remove the filter when it starts dripping slowly. The total brew time should be somewhere between 4-5 minutes.