AeroPress Coffee Maker
Loved by fans around the world, our patented technology produces the richest, smoothest coffee, cold brew, and espresso drinks you’ve ever tasted.
No acidity, bitterness, or grit: Rapid brewing eliminates bitterness and acidity while microfilters remove the grit typically found in other presses. Goodbye French press!
Brew in under one minute: Just add coffee and water, stir, and press. Clean-up takes only a few seconds.
Brew American or espresso style coffee: Brews one to three delicious cups with one press. AeroPress can also make cold brew coffee as well as espresso-style coffee for lattes, cappuccinos, and more.
What's Included:
AeroPress Chamber & Plunger: For brewing the smoothest coffee ever!
350 filters, Filter Stand, & Filter Cap: Filters remove grit from your coffee, unlike other press-type coffee makers. The filter stand stores your filters nicely on your counter while making them easily accessible.
Funnel: Make it easy to transfer ground coffee from your coffee grinder to the AeroPress chamber.
Stirring Stick: Designed in the perfect length just for the AeroPress.
Scooper: A measuring spoon that measures just the right amount of coffee for perfect AeroPress recipes.